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Greetings - Justice Must Be Administered and Avoid Wicked Customs

  • November 26 2024
  • Tae Stars Bible Greetings

Published today


Hi, Taehyung-ah 🤗🤗🤗 How are you? I hope that things are going well for you. A lot of wonderful things are happening these days, and it has been like that for a long time now. God has started to move and as I can see all of my enemies coming together, very ignorant in all that they do, not knowing they are headed for destruction, I can only glorify God who makes all of this happen. They think they are so many and can do all evil they want, but God turns it around and shows them it is Him who is God, mighty of all, Creator of Heaven and earth, and He rescues those who trust and rely in Him, because He can see everything and He gives justice, because He is the author of it!

They have increased in their harassment towards me because I have demanded for their criminal stalking activity to end, that you, Hybe, Scooter Braun, Min Hee-jin or whoever is funding them to stop such charity, creative, marketing or support funds, which the corrupt, opportunistic, low IQ people here have twisted and corrupted for their own selfish criminal use. I don’t know if I have already mentioned this, but recently I have seen a fraternity logo in a property owned by Dodo or Jose. This disgusting exploitative extremely stupid cousin, Joel, who has a long history of being opportunistic (spending our grandparents’ money supposedly for his college but deceiving them and spending it on drugs, bar, and women instead) has just called me “crazy” because I have revealed all their wickedness and how decayed and dark their lives were before, and how decayed and dark their lives are even now. That Joel, Razel, and other cousins were part of a fraternity before, they’re the cousins I mentioned to you about, as well as the cousins from Dodo and his clan. Those decayed drug addicts in this community who were often staying by the road before, and were already chastised because they were lustfully catcalling the female students who pass by and putting broken glasses, firecrackers, and other dangerous traps on the road to endanger local vehicles that pass by, as part of their fraternity with those logos painted in over their waiting areas. After Dodo’s accident when he was found out with his mistress, he built a house opposite this hill, that’s a few yards from the road, and since then, a lot of strangers have been hanging out there together with these abusive, violent, uneducated, extremely poor, exploitative opportunistic, low IQ relatives, drinking alcohol to the point they’re all red – and naturally, doing drugs.

This morning, this illiterate lowest of IQ uneducated extremely poor criminal stalker lackey Dodo had been firing massive firecrackers for more than 2 hours now. Like others, he’s so poor that even the tools he used to harass me were alms he begged from the funds they corrupted. Those prostitute police woman (who’s laughing loudly, in her familiar prostitute laugh) and his lustful police, and their disgusting drug addict stalkers from that rented place were here yesterday, singing their familiar disgusting harassing alluding karaoke songs, like the ones from those lustful abusive brainless drug addict police and Muslim in Hippodromo, with songs like Gaga's "Always Remember Us This Way", "No Arms Can Ever Hold You More Than I Do", "That's What Friends Are For", and other alluding songs as part of this stalker network! If they weren’t stopped by the brown out, they could have sung sex songs and sex tune again, including that prostitute bathroom song, like what they did before! If there wasn’t a brown out, they could have extended their utter harassment and mockery! They’re just showing who sponsored them, criminal stalking, and harassment!

They’re singing karaoke since two of my disgusting sociopathic exploitative opportunistic killer and thief uncles had their birthday celebrations, and both sides were singing loud karaoke until late at night. Often at that hour, those lustful police and call center agents were out from their duty, so they went on putting the fullest volume in karaoke and singing such harassing songs, and they're just beside my room!

That disgusting Cha-cha, the live-in partner of that thief sociopath murderous Julico, the birthday celebrant last night, just fired his rusty gun, masking as firecracker, very furious that their crime and harassment last night was reported and posted again! Indeed, in their extreme poverty, they even beg for funds and support for the tools they used to harass me! They’re not my relatives, they never have been my relatives, since they’re extremely stupid, promiscuous, lustful, extremely poor, extremely evil and corrupt, extremely brainless, extremely exploitative and opportunistic – and they’re selling me out as if I am their property, these people who have never fed me and who were even the ones often coming up to me to borrow money (and never paying them back, others paid them super late for over a year), and whom I can only see during feasts and birthday celebrations, when food were served, and worse, were always the ones maliciously and nefariously watching us for gossip and rumor as their past time, so they can be defensive when they couldn’t pay their borrowed money, or when I wouldn’t lend them anything!

Even from before, they’re already stalker-like, and they’re having a huge feast when finally they’re given unlimited access to the camera and mic they installed in this house and their access to my devices, harassing me 24/7, firing guns and firecrackers in their waking hours, and given a huge fund for such criminal stalking! All the communities in this nation are the same, decayed gossiping, stalker-like, harassing low IQ, uneducated, unprofessional, unsafe, corrupt, and wicked! An easy reason why votes are bought and why such corrupt, wicked, exploitative, opportunistic, scheming, deceiving abusive violent politicians are put as leaders all the time! They’ll be utterly destroyed, and this is just the beginning! Glory to God who is watching all of this, who hears prayers, and who is faithful and just to do them, to do His promises!

And these decayed low IQ severely unqualified criminal stalkers, headed by Algie and Dodo, their "boss", have been non-stop harassing me this morning, firing massive firecrackers from their fraternity stalker fund and loudly calling me "crazy" as I turned on my air-conditioner, very furious that they can't hear me clearly through their stalker mic anymore! This decayed Cha-cha has also been firing firecrackers, very furious that he can't hear any news discussing the extreme stupidity and the crimes of these stalkers who all will be severely punished in the open!

These cult "born again" in the grassland beside this house - I heard Aljane, Junelyn Sandigan, and voices of those front-liners in Living Way Metro City - calling me "crazy", "shameful", and "poor" and “pitiful”, mocking and harassing my every move, even when I was reading the Bible and praying to God that He will come quickly and do His promise of utterly destroying them and completely burning all that they built from their exploitation, deception, scheming, corruption, wickedness – exploitative, opportunistic - that He will finally show He is a Great and Majestic God who must be hallowed, honored, and glorified! When all of these happen, all glory and honor to God Almighty, the Savior Jesus, and the Just Guide Holy Spirit. Amen!

These criminal stalkers and cult "born again" have been making me out as "crazy" to cover their lies and deceit as criminal stalkers, opportunistic exploitative sociopathic cult, relatives, and unrelated low-lives who are here doing all of this criminal stalking! In their low IQ, they already think their scheming, stalking, harassing, gossiping, abusive violent actions are convincing, that they're enough for them not be caught by truly wise authorities who will come and not show them mercy, but execute the fullness of justice, pour out the fullness of God's wrath!

This disgusting drug addict opportunistic exploitative Joel just called me "crazy" again, so shameless after being fed by me, his family waiting for my grace all the time, but in his brainlessness, incompetence, cursed low IQ, he's doing the same deception and exploitation he did to our grandparents and aunts, exploiting me, harassing me. A criminal stalker working in his criminal stalker scam business process outsourcing company who's funded for this criminal stalker network, surveillance, posting threat not only to me but also the community and larger like the nation, as what all other scam outsourcing companies are. Such low IQ, decayed people like Joel and these low IQ incompetent cursed opportunistic stalkers are perfect employees and lackeys for such scam, crime, and fraternity. They themselves are extremely stupid and ignorant, despite being more harassing, exploitative, opportunistic, and violent – that they repeatedly reject reason and turn a blind eye to all these crimes in the name of the money that bought them out of such reason, faith, righteousness, and faithfulness.

These low IQ brainless extremely stupid and uneducated computer illiterate criminal stalkers have been consecutively calling me "crazy" even a simple act of backing up of my files! Severely unqualified stalkers, so opportunistic that they're here in this nearby grassland, sticking to me, exploiting! Even a simple interaction with our cat is "crazy" to these harassing low IQ domestic abuser criminal stalkers! They're always domestically and sexually abusing me 24/7. Even when I was using the toilet in that brief brown out, they were laughing and calling me “crazy”, which showed how they still have access to the criminal cameras and mic – now shown as powered by some battery and charging outlet – even without electricity. And they’re mocking me as I am typing this, but look at them being the ones “crazy”, sociopaths, desperate for money! Even as I'm posting this, this prostitute Muslim/cult "born again" harassed me "crazy" as I report and post every instance of her abuse again! Decayed stalker! Harassers in almost every minute, whenever wherever possible! Sociopaths! Now, that's crazy, low IQ criminal stalkers!

Crazy, sociopath, extremely low IQ demonic people! So desperate to stalk! So desperate to get a footage in exchange for their disgusting cursed beggar salary from their criminal stalking and harassment “jobs”.

My readings today talked about justice, with the chapter being titled as “Justice Must Be Administered” to “Avoid Wicked Customs”. Here are the verses I highlighted:

“You shall not pervert justice; you shall not partiality, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. You shall follow what is altogether just, that you may live and inherit the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” – Deuteronomy 16:19-20

“If there is found among you, within any of your gates which the Lord your God gives you, a man a woman who has been wicked in the sight of the Lord your God, in transgressing His covenant…then you shall bring out to your gates that man or woman who has committed that wicked thing, and shall stone to death that man or woman with stones…Now the man who acts presumptuously and will not heed the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall put away the evil from Israel. AND ALL THE PEOPLE SHALL HEAR AND FEAR, AND NO LONGER ACT PRESUMPTUOUSLY.” - Deuteronomy 17:2,5,12-13

It’s shown that the purpose of the laws is to fear God, and from that, people will not do such crimes and abominations because they fear the Lord, knowing He watches everything, and gives justice! In such a corrupt nation and communities where people, especially those given such authorities, are themselves corrupt and incompetent, low IQ, below normal, severely unqualified, corrupt, wicked, exploitative and opportunistic, like those politicians, lawyers, police, priests/pastors, cult “born again”, gossip community, from highest to the lowest of the low community, city, and national leaders, justice has become perverted, twisted, manipulated, schemed, deceived, orchestrated, dirtied, decayed. These cult “born again” have been calling me “crazy”, such as these Judas-spirit and Muslim-spirit Aljane, Junelyn, and Val, who came closer to this house because I turned my air conditioner on and they can’t hear me, so desperate to stalk, hear their judgment and harass me because of their corruption, wickedness, and dirtying God, showing once again that “born again” like them is a cult, greedy and desperate for money, and opportunistic whenever wherever possible. In extreme deception, they’re like Judas who followed Jesus to steal money, and ultimately sold Him for murder when He got the chance, grabbing His once-in-lifetime opportunity! Cult indeed. Decayed criminal stalkers, community, and nation, indeed, who are already judged to be utterly destroyed, the things they built from their corruption, wickedness, exploitation, and deception be completely burned, and they shall perish from the sight of God here on earth and for eternity in hell, for while they live, they rejected the eyes of God who is watching them and all the abominations, abuses, and wickedness they did as if there is no God who is watching!

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination the Lord your God drives them out from before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God. For these nations which you will dispossess listened to soothsayers and diviners; but as for you, the Lord your God has not appointed such for you.” - Deuteronomy 18:10-13

“And the Lord said to me: ‘What they have spoken is good. I will raise up for them a Prophet like you from among their brethren like you from among their brethren, and will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. And it shall be that whoever will not hear My words, which He speaks in My name, I will require it of him. But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in My name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die…when a prophet speaks in THE NAME OF THE LORD, IF THE THING DOES NOT HAPPEN OR COME TO PASS, THAT IS THE THING WHICH THE LORD HAS NOT SPOKEN; THE PROPHET HAS SPOKEN IT PRESUMPTUOUSLY; YOU SHALL NOT AFRAID OF HIM.” - Deuteronomy 18:17-21,22

“Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake…So when he had received food, he was strengthened…And walking in the FEAR OF THE LORD AND IN THE COMFORT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, they were multiplied.” – Acts 9:15,19,31

The time is coming, Taehyung-ah, and God Himself is working to put His plan together. Because of their wickedness, God is severely punishing them, and not one of them can escape the judgment allotted to them! Even now, they are cursed. Their severe incapability that made them to ride on others, steal, and have whatever they have bought to do wickedness is already a curse! I recently remembered a verse from the Bible where God has already seen the future of each of His creation before they were born, and knowing these criminal stalkers, each of them being enemies of God before they became my enemies, God has already seen all the abomination, corruption, wickedness, exploitation, and abuses that they will do, and He cursed them from then on. Their extreme stupidity, low IQ, and severe lack of talent, among others, is already determinant of the limit of what they can do, and they’ll always just be at that level. It’s their fate to always steal from others, wait on other’s blessings and ride on them, and force themselves through harassment and mockery when they’re given any portion of the blessing that they did not deserve nor work for.

In all of this, even from this, I can see God the Author of Justice, the Wise Source of everything, managing all that He owns and giving them to those who do what is right with what they are given. Wonderful, awesome God, who’s in control of all, who can’t be bought and replaced with anything that He himself creates, like money that trapped all these cult “born again” and criminal stalkers here, and from whom the heaven and earth come forth when He called them. He already went and saved His people, but He was rejected and removed from their equation, so they can do what is corrupt, wicked, the easy way of exploitation, doing what is just like them ever since. Glory to God who has given us all that we have, Taehyung-ah, so we don’t have to steal from others, scheme like them, and do what is low and what is an eyesore in the sight of God. All glory and honor belongs to God now and forever. Amen!

I love you so much, Taehyung-ah. I, and so many of your fans and ARMYs, love you so much. May you never stop believing in that. May you always be assured of our love and support for you and know that when it comes to us, you don’t have to do anything unlike you. May you always find the best in you, or the best way to express your ingenuity in every situation, and be happy and proud. There will always be so many among us who can see how amazing you are each time. I hope you’ll cut the things, people, and situations that make you sad and obscured. Don’t be sorry for being yourself. Always remember you are always loved. Borahae, Saranghae, Taehyung-ah. ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍💜💜💜


