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Greetings - Rape, Homosexuality, Stalkers

  • October 27 2024
  • Tae Stars Bible Greetings

Originally published on October 14, 2024

Hi, Taehyung-ah 🤗🤗🤗 How are you? I hope that things are going well for you. I have an unsettling message today, though. Here are the verses that struck me as I read the Bible today: "You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman (ra*pe). It is wickedness...You shall not lie with a male as with a woman (hom*ose*xuality). It is an abomination." - Leviticus 18:17,22. Obviously, as I was typing this verse, this stalker was making a fart-laugh. She’s living with a lesb*ian next door. This isn’t meant to be just a targeting post, this is just the next chapter I read, but it’s good to put it here though. I made a post on my personal account dissing these lesb*ians stalkers, saying they’re lewd with each other, and they kept reacting to me. I also made a post last time dissing LGBTQ, when that ga*y classmate harassed me during our class, saying they’re the lowest in intellectual and mo*ral level, just to be transparent. More importantly, I don’t do that unless I am triggered and harassed. I have LGBTQ friends from high school and college, and those colleagues from my previous work who have treated me well, and I don’t want to offend them for no reason.  I was liberal towards those people who have different se*xual preferences because the educational curriculum has long discouraged such discrimination, even to racial, religious, socioeconomic and other differences. However, I do not excuse any malicious and harmful intents and acts - wickedness - wherever it’s from. It’s from the understanding that everyone can do it, but that there are just those groups who are predisposed to do harm, harassment, and mockery, just like these paid stalkers. I’m not writing to them nor talking to them, but for over a year now, they’ve been diligently reacting to me, laughing, making insulting comments, calling me crazy, and as if not content with doing all of that here, they’re even bringing such harassment outside by making insulting allusions to me as I pass by them in the grocery (like today), in the street, coffee shops, buses, and other public places. They’re even singing karaoke. All of those acts are so familiar, I knew these stalkers were scheming and in contact with each other following a script, and I recently figured it’s actually because of the age-old disgusting fraternity network. They’re reacting again and again, like the men*tally reta*rded people that they are. Going back to the Bible verse, ra*pe (and adultery) and hom*ose*xuality are put under the same form of lust, because in the old times, it’s the wicked people, who didn’t have regard for God, who did those things that disregard others just to satisfy their lewdness. Those who take someone who is not married to them, like ra*pe, adul*tery, ho*mose*xuality, and similar crimes (like se*x trafficking, prostit*ution, pe*dophi*lia, in*cest, romance scams, and other se*xual harassment and assaults), are corrupting God’s conception of love, marriage, and companionship. In Born Again Christian, they’re saying to leave “people of this world” to their own fate. Those who follow God will go to God, and those who don’t follow Him will go to the damned place meant for the demons. Seek for the “lost sheep of Israel”, those who need God, and help them to know God so they will be saved. The Roman Catholic is more liberal, accepting just everyone, even those who don’t take Christ as their God, thinking they’re just the same as those who already believe in Christ but are still not devoted to their faith. It has a very long history of trying to convert others, discriminating against them and even kil*ling them in the process, so I think it has learned a painful lesson on diversity. Their common sermon for the past century is just focused on blaming church members for not being devoted enough, and I also think they’re no different than those who don’t believe in Christ, the society that is gossiping, scheming, harassing, corrupt, envious, and murderous. They’ve even been mocking the church in favor of entertainment and brotherhood (politics, employment, business, etc.). The point remains that those who have ra*ped and se*xually assaulted others, as well as those who dared to live as les*bians and ga*ys, can also do other mor*ally defying criminal acts, since they have already done it. Isn’t that a reason why they’re stalkers, fraternity and organized crime members, thieves, corrupt and scheming gossipers, among others? They don’t have a strong resolve to call others out because they are doing the same. They are already corrupted. This world is paradise lost, indeed. There’s nothing wrong with wishing, but wish for the right things, and go after them. Be surrounded by just, righteous, and amazing people.


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