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Police & Lawyer Files

  • December 26 2024
  • Tae Stars Bible Greetings

I'll be submitting this file against these criminal stalkers and police intel here to the local police and local prosecution. This is a warning to Hybe to remove all the remaining criminal stalkers and also to remove all these even more decayed police intel here who are the ones domestically and se*xually abusing me 24/7! Clean up your mess, Hybe. These decayed police intel are already criminally stalking me for over 3 months since TreeWoods Residences already, and they have only increased in their harassment, even worse than all the others, especially these police intel in the piggery. Get all of them out!

  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - Penal Provision - Any person convicted of the crime of stalking shall be punished by prision correccional and/or a fine of not less than One Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 100,000.00) but not more than Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php 500.000.00), or both, at the discretion of the court.
  • If the victim is a woman or minor the highest penalty shall be imposed
  • Any person who commits any of the acts mentioned in Section 4 – fear of death, physical injury, unlawful restraint, se*xual assault, or other similar analogous circumstances - shall be punished by Arresto Mayor in its maximum period to Prison Correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from P 1,000.00 to P 5,000.00 pesos
  • Safe Spaces Act:
  • (1) The first offense shall be punished by arresto menor (11 to 30 days) or a fine of Thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00), provided that it includes attendance in a Gender Sensitivity Seminar, to be conducted by the PNP in coordination with the LGU and the PCW;
  • (2) The second offense shall be punished by arresto mayor (1 month and 1 day to 6 months) or a fine of Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00);
  • (3) The third offense shall be punished by arresto mayor in its maximum period or a fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P 100,000.00)

In the US, stalking crimes can result in 5 years imprisonment, and if there’s a dangerous weapon (like the guns fired by those decayed police criminal stalkers, their harassing script to get the bus into an accident, firing firecrackers, poisoning me like those Muslims in Hippodromo and that Gi from Nazareno Residence – I’ll mention others when I can remember them), that stalking with violent thr*eats can result to 20 years imprisonment. If I am killed, they’ll obviously get a life imprisonment.

  • Jrank - Violations of the act result in five years imprisonment, and twenty years in prison for violations that result in an injury or acts where the offender used a dangerous weapon. Life imprisonment is prescribed for stalking that results in the victim's death.

Anti-stalking Laws in the US

Sources: Jrank

  • Jrank - Stalking is a “a newly conceived crime that extends beyond the boundaries of common law offenses”
  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - promote every individual's dignity, right to privacy and security, peace of mind, and psychological and emotional welfare, and consequently penalize each and every act which, in any manner, undermines the same
  • Jrank - First line of defense: civil protection or restraining order designed to restrict an offender from making contact with the victim, or from appearing at a particular place, such as a victim's home or work. Sanctions include contempt of court, fines, and jail time or prison sentences.
    • taking out a protective order, at best, does little to protect against future victimization and, at worst, may incite a stalker to retaliate against his victim (Walker, 1993; Patton)
  • Extending the application of related statutes - te*rrorist thr*eats; thr*eatening or intimidating behavior
    • Antistalking statutes, prompted by the bru*tal mu*rder of actress Rebecca Schaffer in California in 1989, attempt to address some of the limitations found with civil protection orders and related statutes. Many are drafted with an explicit consideration of the behavio*ral idiosyncrasies that characterize stalking offenses; without a requirement that the stalker has committed a violent act; with less significant mens rea or intentionality provisions; and with increased sanctions. In a majority of jurisdictions, a first-time offender may be indicted on either felony or misdemeanor charges; repeat stalking is most often prosecuted as a felony

Note: Since first-time or one-time stalking is considered as a minor offense, these decayed criminal stalkers in Algie’s piggery (whom I now suspect to be police intel as of December 23) woman mocked me “da (suits you)” and “nindooota (sooo nice)” and laughed in her usual immature kindergarten-ret*arded way! The other criminal stalkers joined in the harassment, defended each other, and were on the same demonic side as this Muslim. This cow-like brainless extremely low IQ decayed criminal stalker whom I now suspect to be a police intel, yet he’s the one domestically and se*xually abusing me added “da (suits you)” knowing his crime was defended by the other criminal stalkers (also police intel) from the direction of the household of Mary Jane, Janice and Cha-Cha. Whoever these stalkers are, they’ve been paying other low-life criminal stalkers drug addict construction workers and unemployed low-life criminal stalkers to harass me from the next building (both here in Bogo – hills across this house, Jose’s, Yolanda, Rizal’s, Cha-cha’s, Evacuation Center – in Hippodromo and TreeWoods Residences dormitory), play karaoke and disco, and other harassments like loud banging and se*xual abuse while I was taking a bath!

  • Proof of a course of conduct - purposeful action amounting to a pattern of behavior. This may consist of nonconsensual communication, for example, obsessive surveillance, lying in wait, or [thr*eats of] physical harassment
  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - These legal rights are violated by "stalking," which is an act described herein as harassing, bothering, frightening and otherwise interfering with the private lives of people. The act is a form of disguised intimidation which may be a subtle attempt at harassment.
  • "course of conduct"-a series of acts that, viewed collectively, present a pattern of behavior
  • such as nonconsensual communication or lying in wait) to more diffuse types of action (such as harassment)
          • Pattern of Behavior, Obsessive surveillance, lying in wait, or [thr*eats of] physical harassment (active harassment since June 2023, for over a year and a half, peak of harassment where I finally recorded them: since October 2024 in TreeWoods Residences and here in Bogo as of December 2024, for over three months already!)

          • Note: These stalkers have been putting me in domestic and se*xual abuse 24/7 be it inside my room or when I go out:

            • when I was taking a bath, peeing, sleeping, eating, writing, praying, writing a Bible Diary, singing songs of praise and worship, and in every single thing I do – I’m sure they’re captured in my recordings as proof (both Hippodromo, TreeWoods, and Bogo)

            • singing karaoke and sex tune, playing loud disco (Hippodromo and Bogo)

            • eating out in Korean restaurant, McDo, coffee shops, grocery, public buses (all, from Zimmerholdings, Nazareno residence in Edison St., Sybu Dorm, Hippodromo near that police in Bric’s Bakeshop, TreeWoods Residences in front of Visayas Army Training Philippine Army, etc.)

          • Nonconsensual communication

            • loudly mocking me from the next room wherever I was staying as they’re stalking me, and obviously they shouldn’t be part of my private life, but they’re invading my privacy with their stalker tools that have access to the cameras and mic in my room and my devices. This decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in piggery just mocked me as I was typing this, in her usual immature kindergarten-ret*arded low IQ way “luoooy (ah, poor and pitiful)” and “nindooota (soo nice)”, just like all these criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – (I suspect they’re from   Mandaue, Danao and Bogo, though I’m still trying to check it further) who came in and called me “boang gyud (really crazy)”

            • loudly making allusions to me when I went out be it in public buses, coffee shops, bread shops, grocery, Korean restaurant, McDo, and many other places – all while getting free food!

  • This harassment and nonconsensual communication is also in the: Safe Spaces Act – colloquially known as 'Bawal Bastos' law
  • It is the policy of the State to value the dignity of every human person and guarantee full respect for human rights. It is likewise the policy of the State to recognize the role of women in nation-building and ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men. The State also recognizes that both men and women must have equality, security and safety not only in private, but also on the streets, public spaces, online, workplaces and educational and training institutions.

Notes: These criminal stalkers have been harassing me whenever wherever possible, 24/7 domestic and se*xual abuse, be it inside my room (they're staying next to my room or the next building, especially Hippodromo stalkers and TreeWoods residences stalkers)

          • Criminal stalkers script in La Guardia Flats, Sybu Dorm, Hippodromo, and TreeWoods:

          • catcalling

          • wolf-whistling, especially Hippodromo

          • leering and intrusive gazing, especially Hippodromo

          • persistent uninvited comments or gestures on a person’s appearance – McDo – “murag gwapa”, “ka-gwapa sa kalam” and other familiar allusions to my activities in the dorm – master’s, love life, friends, k-pop, etc.

          • relentless requests for personal details such as name, contact and social media details and destination – especially Hippodromo Muslims

          • any statement that has made an invasion on a person’s personal space or thr*eatens the person’s sense of personal safety – especially Hippodromo Muslims – “ilabay sa kanal (throw my body in the sewer)”, karaoke songs – Banyo Queen, One Day, Palagot sa kontra and other disgusting songs in Sybu Dormitory, dancing queen, etc.

          • That decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery was thoroughly mocking and loudly calling me “boang (crazy)”, “da (suits you)”, “luoy pud (ah, poor and pitiful)”, and many more the other night, so I figured she’s very near – in this decayed Algie’s piggery, with the loudness of her voice – so I went out and asked for them to open the piggery, “pahawa satanas, in Jesus’ name! (depart from me satan, in Jesus’ name!”). My mother had been buying food and grocery, and whenever I eat the fruits, this decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery kept laughing in her usual mocking immature kindergarten-way because she and this Hippodromo handler decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery paid them to be criminal stalkers and also for rent in the piggery, so they’re getting special privilege to criminally stalk me closely – and see how they’re using the money as if it’s theirs! They’re not from Bogo, so why are these decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel in the piggery here?

          • These criminal stalkers – also police intel or criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – kept calling me “boang najud (already very crazy)” and “boang man na (that one is crazy)” – and I will file a case against these criminal stalkers and police intel for calling me “boang” and making me out as crazy and domestically and se*xually abusing me 24/7 since TreeWoods and here in Bogo – as I was typing the last paragraph, sympathizing with the decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery whose abuses I revealed because they themselves were criminal stalkers who will be imprisoned soon and who are also not residing in Marangog, and yet they’re here, like these decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggerys, for no other religious, patriotic, righteous or even a legitimate reason but only for money!

  • The Model Anti-Stalking Code (Model Code) developed by the National Criminal Justice Association and sponsored by the National Institute of Justice
    • A course of conduct involving repeated physical proximity (following) or thr*eatening behavior or both
  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - maintaining a visible physical proximity to another person or pursuing or conducting surveillance upon that person without any legitimate purpose so as to cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional and psychological distress

Note: Another room next to me (all dormitories), another building next to me (Hippodromo and TreeWoods Residences), another houses next to this house (exploitative criminal relatives’ house which these criminal stalkers-police intel rented in Marangog, Bogo)

  • the occurrence of incidents at least twice
  • thr*eatening behavior, including both explicit and implicit thr*eats
  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose; Harasses - shall mean a willful and malicious course of conduct directed at a specific person which seriously and reasonably alarms, intimidates, torments or te*rrorizes a person; Aug 23 - directed at a particular person, seriously alarms, disturbs, or te*rrorizes the person, serves no legitimate purpose, would cause a reasonable person to surer substantial emotional distress;

Note: Every day, actively for over a year and a half even when I move to different locations, they keep following me (La Guardia Flats, Zimmerholdings, Sybu Dormitory, Nazareno Residence in Edison St., Luis Amigo Dormitory, 1084/1086 Residence Gil Tudtud St., Newly-built apartment building near Bric’s Bakeshop beside the police’ residence or secret training camp in Mactan St., Hippodromo – though I don’t have recordings of their harassment towards me, but I do have recordings of the criminal stalking, domestic and se*xual abuses against me by those criminal stalkers-police intel in TreeWoods Residences dormitory near IT Park at the back of Visayas Army Training Philippine Army, and here in Marangog, Bogo

  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - Disallowed Contact – willful disregard of that person’s expressed desire, fear for safety, liberty, or privacy; contacting by any other means of communication equipment; Stalking definition - any person who shall repeatedly follow, harass and/or commit disallowed contact against another person or his/her family after having been given reasonable warning

Note: All of these criminal stalkers are unwanted! Obviously, without consent, they have been mocking and harassing me in the next room through their access to the camera and mic they installed in the rooms I rented in and access to my devices, and they’ve been mocking and harassing me whenever I go out, be it in coffee shops, public buses, McDo, Korean restaurant, grocery, pathways, and more! Who would want to have disgusting criminal stalkers following them and mocking their every move and se*xually abusing them when they take a bath and sleep? I have posted on twitter every instance of their harassment and called them out “pahawa satanas, in Jesus’ name!” several times, in my rented places, here, and on twitter!

Note: They’ve been making harassing allusions towards me in pathways, public buses and jeepneys, coffee shops, groceries, McDo, Korean restaurants, surveillance inside my rooms, and so many more!

Note: verbal abuse by staying in rooms or buildings next to me and mocking me loudly through their camera and mic access in my rooms, though it happened in other places, I have only started audio recordings in TreeWoods Residences dormitory and here in Marangog, Bogo; entering my room without permission while I was sleeping – Sybu Dorm (removing double lock), Hippodromo (ladder under my window), Luis Amigo (luggage bag removed), TreeWoods (luggage bag removed)

  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - Substantial Emotional Distress - shall mean severe mental anguish, fright, anxiety, wounded feelings, mo*ral shock, social humiliation and other similar forms of psychological and emotional distress
          • Note: They make me out as “crazy”, with that Hippodromo (new apartment building near Bric’s Bakeshop) landlady calling my complaint about those Muslims coming up to my door and harassing me, asking for my name when they’re already loudly reacting and mocking my twitter posts when I was still typing them, that deceiving scheming TreeWoods Residences manager saying along the lines that if they put someone else in the rooms beside me and I still hear their mockery, I must be crazy, and that 1084/1086 Gil Tudtud landlady calling me “naboang naka, ma’am? (are you already crazy, ma’am?)” when I complained about those huge steps on my roof and then throwing rocks there right when there was a construction in what they called PLDT building, and just a few days from then, a new construction was made in her grandmother’s lot, a successful stalker scam! All these decayed opportunistic police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house, these decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel in the piggery, these decayed opportunistic relatives here loudly called me “boang (crazy)” yet they wouldn’t have known about my posts, prayer, praise and worship, if they didn’t have access to the camera and mic and weren’t criminal stalkers, including my family who made several allusions to my “condition”, particularly this decayed brother and mother, as I kept calling out these decayed criminal stalkers and utter “Cursed are all of you who curse me! All the abuses you did in hiding will be severely punished in the open! Glory to God!” – and all of the criminal stalkers who were mocking me loudly and firing guns and firecrackers on me.

          • Lying in wait for me in the pathways - , mocking, and making loud allusions, such as when I have just made a personal fb with my own name, “para kunuhay naa siya’s friends (as if she has friends)”

          • another mocked me in Ayala’s grocery “friends diay mo? (are you friends?)” when I said I didn’t know these stalkers and why they kept responding mocking participating to me when we’re not even friends.

          • This criminal stalker network paid almost every poor, desperate and/or evil person I know: All the people I know so far turned out to be criminal stalkers, be it these exploitative relatives or those criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – and I’m still about to find out if my elementary, high school and college friends were also involved and paid to be criminal stalkers, as well as my previous colleagues before as I’ve already seen one of e-link (a Chinese BPO company in Ayala) taking photo of me when he came across me in JY while I was looking for a room for rent

          • Work

          • I also notice those decayed Japanese admin-students in Rarejob, NativeCamp and Bizmates criminal stalkers were taking classes from their stalker script and mocking me – prison in a province, shaving, taking a bath, press call to explain the company’s bankruptcy and public reputation, and so many others - Japanese ESL classes

          • Job application writing tests - making me write an article for shaving when I shaved that day – Hippodromo, press release for a feature to show stalking (security) data to stakeholders - Zimmerholdings, and recently protect Muslims migration law firm for Emapta - TreeWoods

          • Master’s

          • Mock every sentence, assignment including landlords, Duterte, Muslims and their abuses against women – prostitute policewoman shouting, lustful Muslims asking who I was while the prostitute Muslim woman went below and they’re all shouting while I was typing

          • Religion

          • Mocking, harassing, laughing, and calling me “boang (crazy)” when they’re reading my Bible diary – again, shows they got disgusting camera in my room! – during my praise and worship and when I was watching Jentezen’s preachings on YouTube – it happened since La Guardia Flats in June 2023, for over a year and a half, and intensifying in Hippodromo (with the decayed Muslims) and TreeWoods (with decayed criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – , Muslims, and others)!

  • Satisfaction of the intent requirements is similarly relaxed. Prosecutors need only prove:
    • Intent to engage in a course of conduct involving repeated following or thr*eatening an individual;
    • knowledge that this behavior reasonably causes fear of bodily injury or death;
    • knowledge (or expectation) that the specific victim would have a reasonable fear of bodily injury or death;
    • actual fear of death or bodily injury experienced by the victim; and
    • fear of death or bodily injury felt by members of the victim's immediate family.
  • Arrests often escalate violence or lead to retaliation, with or without victim notification of release. In the unlikely event of a trial and conviction, a prison sentence does little to address the mental health treatment needs of most stalkers. Mental illness undermines principles of deterrence. In the end, the burden of fashioning a workable, realistic remedy to avoid future stalking often falls on the victim

State Stalking Laws

  • Stalking laws criminalize a pattern of conduct in which an offender follows, harasses, or thr*eatens another person, putting them in fear for their safety.

Office of Justice Programs

  • Anti-Stalking Statutes
    • The first anti-stalking law was passed in 1990 in California. Since then, all 50 states have enacted anti-stalking laws.
    • It also examines mental health evaluations and treatment for stalkers, including court-ordered treatment or counseling.
    • fundamen*tally different from other harassment crimes
    • offer victims protection from behavior that was previously unregulated
    • laws should be developed to address the unique features of "cyberstalking" via computers

Note: They have installed cameras and mic in this house and in all the rooms I stayed in before and mocked and harassed me loudly, seeing all that I do using their smartphones and/or laptops, just like what they’re doing now, and just like what that decayed stalker with his team of criminal stalkers laughing facing a laptop with nothing but a code on the screen when I looked – they minimized their footage of my room – and who knows a fellow of theirs was doing there while I went out to fetch water – in Sybu Dorm, and he checked out of the dorm on the same date I checked out. Speaking of that, these decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery mocked me so I thought she was that Muslim woman from Hippodromo who also checked out on the same date as me! Hiding, the opposite of revealing the truth, indeed, is a demonic act, like what all of these criminal stalkers are doing here, and they’ve been doing that not only for over a year and a half but for more than 3 years! All their abuses will be severely punished in the open! Glory to God!

  • Strengthening Anti-stalking Statues
    • Stalking is a crime of intimidation. Stalkers harass and even te*rrorize through conduct that causes fear or substantial emotional distress in their victims. Stalking is a serious and pervasive criminal offense.
    • In most states, stalking is a Class A or first degree misdemeanor except under certain circumstances, which include stalking in violation of a protective order, stalking while armed, or repeat offenses.
    • type of repeated behavior that is prohibited, using terms such as “harassing,” “communicating,” and “nonconsensual contact.
    • Stalkers often present an implied thr*eat to their victims. For example, repeatedly following a person is generally perceived as thr*eatening.
    • “would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress”
    • Most states have explicit exceptions under their stalking laws for certain behaviors, commonly described simply as “constitutionally protected activity.” Many also specifically exempt licensed investigators or other professionals operating within the scope of their duties. The court reasoned that “[t]his construction . . . accords with the legislature’s intent in enacting the statutes to prevent violent attacks by allowing the police to act before the victim was actually injured and to prevent the te*rror produced by harassing actions.”

Note: Ironically, those decayed lustful police who resided next to my rented place in Hippodromo were themselves firing guns – loaded or unloaded – to harass me and ordered the harassment done by their decayed low-life low IQ lackeys, such as disco, karaoke, firing of guns and firecrackers, etc.

  • stalking while armed with a deadly weapon

Note: Here comes the decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery, whose criminal stalker underlings from the next hill – Jose’s, Yolanda’s, Rizal’s, and the evacuation center’s direction – were like militias, rebel, and te*rrorist groups whom they brought from Mindanao were harassing me here in Bogo, thr*eatened me that they’d throw my body into the sewer, and poisoned me and those decayed-brain-decayed-mo*rals-decayed-genitals police criminal stalkers in Hippodromo who were themselves firing guns – loaded or unloaded – to harass me, singing sex tune on a megaphone while he was training other decayed-brain-decayed-mo*rals-decayed-genitals police-in-training in Visayas Army Training Philippine Army camp and Camp Lapu-lapu that’s next to it, and did so many disgusting violent harassments towards me

  • Attempted stalking – The Georgia Supreme Court found that it was not absurd or impractical to criminalize attempting to stalk, which under the terms of the statute meant attempting to follow, place under surveillance, or contact another, when it was done with the requisite specific intent to cause emotional distress by inducing a reasonable fear of death or bodily injury. Attempted stalking penalized in the same way so as not to “permit a stalker to intimidate and harass his intended victim simply by communicating his thr*eats to third parties who (the stalker knows and expects) will inform the victim.
  • Bail restrictions - Because stalkers often remain dangerous after being charged with a crime, states have sought means to protect victims at the pretrial stage.
  • Anti-stalking Law in the Philippines - Injunction and Posting of Bond. - Any victim of stalking shall have the right to ask for an injunction from the court before which the case has been filed, ordering the accused to refrain from the acts complained of as stalking.

Note: The Philippine Anti-stalking law allows immediate protection for the victim, “ordering the accused to refrain from the acts complained of as stalking”, but look at those decayed police from Mabolo who did not log my report against those stalkers who were following me when I finally reported them as early as January of this year, about 7 months after this criminal stalker network had been actively harassing me 24/7 be it inside my room and wherever I go, be it in coffee shops, public bus, etc. I reported that jeepney – just like those Cebu City public buses – that was paid by those criminal stalker network who followed me everywhere, and I knew those jeepneys there were the same (and later I figured those decayed Ceres buses who traveled from Bogo-Cebu were also paid by these criminal stalker network!), and they were harassing me, playing loud disco sound in front of that decayed Nazareno residence and singing karaoke, and not only that, they went out when I went out and arrived when I arrived, following me in their very blunt stalker script harassment! They only referred me to the Barangay tanod (community guards) and when those low IQ low-life uneducated illiterate decayed jeepney drivers saw me with them, they harassed me the following day, making a violent scene in the gate of Nazareno and I took a video of them since I didn’t get their video and show who they were to those tanods (and that’s when I started taking photos and videos of those stalkers who were loudly mocking and alluding to me, a proof that they’re the criminal stalkers from this same organized crime!). I called the police but they never came and then I called the tanods, but I later found out they were paid quite easily as they shifted the blame on me when I was courageously calling out those jeepney drivers criminal stalkers and that tanod said I could get assaulted next time, implying how violent and abusive common (illiterate, uneducated, low-life) Filipinos are. What’s the point of that tanod being there if I could still be assaulted? In the same week, when I was set to leave that decayed Nazareno’s residence on that day, as if a stalker harassing script, knowing they only had that day as their last chance to harass me and retaliate on me, they easily called the police! They feigned saying they came because someone called them but they never came when I did, and I even overhear them saying they should ask for my real name so they could file a case on me! That decayed-brain-decayed-mo*rals-decayed-genitals Nazareno kept harassing me every day, making loud very insulting allusions toward me in her usual gossip conversation with her janitor, saying I was a mistress – most likely because she didn’t know from whose funds she got to exploit, she gossiped about my having ESL classes, food, and that escalated on the morning I and that decayed Gi from a cursed extremely poor Samar rebel province had a fight about her 3-months long cough (she’s been coughing since December when I came there, and perhaps that’s earlier than that) because that decayed old immature low IQ illiterate Nazareno had been hospitalized due to pneumonia during the pandemic and after it. Since they were criminally stalking me, they were monitoring my posts and how I already complained of their coughing that woke me from sleep, that I was already getting bad headaches and slight cough and colds, that they were gossiping about me, that they were singing disgusting karaoke and loudspeaker with Budots and other disco songs, and so many more! Separate comments

OJP - National Institute of Justice -

  • Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Antistalking Legislation
  • Increased awareness of the dimensions and nature of the problem of violence against women, including stalking and its personal and social costs, culminated last year in passage of the Violence Against Women Act, Title IV of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (Public Law 103–322, referred to as the 1994 Crime Act).
  • reducing violence against women; and case law analysis of antistalking laws. It presents currently available information about the crime of stalking as it occurs between domestic partners, strangers, acquaintances, and coworkers, with special emphasis on stalking as it relates to domestic violence.
  • Stalking first garnered widespread public concern when a popular, young actress named Rebecca Shaeffer was shot to death in 1989 by an obsessed fan who had stalked her for 2 years
    • these opportunistic relatives in Marangog and other criminal stalker lackeys in Bogo, from those tricycle drivers, Korean restaurant, baggers, and others – already stalked me for over 3 years without my knowledge, while the criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – stalked me for over 2 years without my knowledge
    • Some advocates of battered women believe that up to 80 percent of stalking cases occur in a domestic context.5 Currently, there is little hard data, however, on how many stalkers and victims are former intimates, how many mu*rdered women were stalked beforehand, or how many stalking incidents overlap with domestic violence.
  • The relationship between stalker and victim is irrelevant in determining whether to arrest and charge suspect with stalking; the law prohibits certain actions regardless of the relationship between the parties.
  • The more troublesome type of stalker may exhibit a personality disorder (such as obsessive-compulsive behavior) severe enough to interfere significantly with the stalker’s ability to maintain a normal routine, such as holding a steady job or maintaining stable relationships. racking their victim’s movements, or traveling in an attempt to achieve an encounter.
  • Very unwanted - the court concluded that it “adequately warns innocent persons of the conduct to be avoided: making thr*eats, following, or placing someone under surveillance, and thereby reasonably producing intimidation, apprehension and fear.” The law does not rely on strictly subjective standards, but rather “sets explicit, objective standards for defendant’s actions, knowledge, and the effect of his conduct on his victim.”
  • Many States have both misdemeanor and felony classifications for stalking. Misdemeanors generally carry a jail sentence of up to 1 year. Sentences from 3 to 5 years are typical for felony stalking offenses. Most State statutes contain sentence-enhancing provisions if one or more additional elements are present—for example, if the defendant brandished a weapon, violated a protective order, had committed a prior stalking offense
  • investigators require new ways of thinking about the crime and preventing it. For example, officers are learning to apply techniques for assessing thr*eats that emphasize gathering and evaluating information and evidence before violence occurs
  • One challenge in developing training and policies is that each stalking incident is unique—a single technique cannot be applied to all situations

Interventions for Domestic Violence and Stalking

  • The principal objective of anti-stalking legislation is to intervene in a suspected stalking case before the behavior results in physical harm.
  • Arrest and Protection Orders - Under antistalking laws, a pattern of behavior and evidence of a malicious intent to cause fear is enough to trigger arrest.
    • police no longer need to wait for the suspect to “do something;” they can make an arrest that stops the behavior at least temporarily and sometimes permanently. The extent to which the victim finds relief through the arrest depends on such factors as the victim and stalker relationship, the stalker’s motivations and mental state, the jurisdiction’s bail laws, and the strength of the prosecution’s case. Following arrest, a prosecutor also can ask the court to impose strict pretrial release conditions requiring the defendant to stay away from the victim
  • Another limitation is that it may be difficult for victims to obtain a restraining order. In non-emergency situations, however, it may take several weeks for a victim to obtain a protection order, and the process sometimes involves prohibitively expensive lawyer fees and court costs, especially in nondomestic cases.
  • Community Policing - Community policing puts the police in partnership with the community to identify a problem, define a strategy for responding, and then evaluate the effectiveness of various responses.
    • The judge who granted the temporary restraining order on May 11, however, was unaware of Cartier's criminal history and the fact that he was on probation.

Note: What makes this criminal stalking by exploitative opportunistic relatives – and they’re now acting as partners of these equally opportunistic police intel through money – is that all of them have been in huge fights against me or my family before and had even more huge fights against their own families/clan: thr*eatening others with their guns during a fight (Dodo, Jose, Cha-Cha, Julico Sr.); domestic abusers towards their partners (all of them, but especially Joven and Algie); alcoholic (all of them); suspected drug addicts (Rizal-Jomar, Dodo – and his sons, especially Junior, and Eliori); blotter report – Rizal-Jomar, Algie, unfiled against Nilo; fights in between household – utang, libak, baboy (piggery), etc.

  • Some stalkers who make thr*eats never actually intend to carry them out and, therefore, do not, in fact, pose a thr*eat to their victim or target. Others who never actually thr*eaten their victim do pose a very real danger. Differentiating between these kinds of suspects requires specialized knowledge and skills. When information and concern about a possible future violent crime is presented to a law enforcement officer, special kinds of investigative tools and approaches can help in accurate assessment and appropriate action.
  • For example, if the same victim and suspect are involved in different incidents, and different police officers are called to the scenes, each incident may be viewed as an isolated event unless there is a “paper trail.” To avoid such an outcome, police are encouraged to make a report even if they find no evidence that a crime has been committed when they respond to a call.
  • In some cases, the victim may know the stalker better than anyone; in more ominous cases, the victim may not even know who is making the thr*eats.
  • Gathering Data to Enforce Antistalking Laws - The task of recording stalking incidents often falls on victims. Stalking Critical Incident Diary" that victims can use to record the date, time, location and type of incident, officer's name and badge number, and witness information

A Brief Look at Relevant Laws – Romance Scam, Swindling, Estafa Part I

Preview of Scams

Victims of online love scams can report the crime to the Philippine National Police (PNP) Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG) or the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Cybercrime Division.

This prostitute criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – said “da (suits you)” because they have those decayed police criminal stalkers on their criminal stalking, and they’re even the ones firing guns on me since August Hippodromo. As I was typing this, those decayed police criminal stalkers fired what seemed to be a gun again that got the dogs barking loudly there! This decayed cult, Muslim, his own decayed siblings and/or other decayed criminal stalkers who were given special privilege to stalk me and harass me closely in Algie’s piggery joined in and loudly mocked me “luoy pud (ah, so poor and pitiful)”.

The Cybercrime Prevention Act provides for imprisonment and fines for those found guilty of committing cyber fraud. Legal action can be pursued through the Department of Justice (DOJ), which has a dedicated Office of Cybercrime.

In addition to criminal prosecution, victims can seek civil remedies. They can file a civil case for damages to recover the financial losses incurred due to the scam. The Civil Code of the Philippines allows for the recovery of actual, mo*ral, and exemplary damages.

Applicable Laws on Scams

  • The Revised Penal Code (RPC)
  • Estafa (Article 315): Estafa is committed when a person defrauds another through false pretenses, fraudulent acts, or abuse of confidence. Examples include issuing bouncing checks, failing to deliver goods paid for, or misrepresenting one's identity to secure a transaction. Estafa is punishable by imprisonment and/or fines.
  • Swindling (Article 316): Similar to estafa, swindling covers specific fraudulent schemes, such as selling encumbered properties without informing the buyer.
  • Other Deceits (Article 318): Covers less common frauds, including schemes not specifically classified under estafa or swindling.

These decayed criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – consecutively female members of   repeatedly mocked me “kaluuuoy (ah, so poor and pitiful)” five times while I was still copying the estafa, swindling, and other deceits laws! Utterly decayed criminals, scammers, and schemers!

Special Laws

  • Several special laws also address scams:
  • The Consumer Act of the Philippines (RA 7394): Protects consumers from deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales acts and practices. It provides remedies for fraudulent transactions involving goods and services.
  • The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 (RA 10175): Covers online scams and frauds perpetrated through digital platforms. Offenders may face charges for cyber fraud, identity theft, and other related offenses.
  • The Anti-Money Laundering Act (RA 9160): Targets money laundering activities associated with proceeds derived from scams.
  • The Securities Regulation Code (RA 8799): Governs fraudulent investment schemes, such as Ponzi schemes and pyramiding, under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
  • Legal Remedies
  • 1. Criminal Action
    • Victims may file a criminal case against the perpetrator. Key aspects include:
    • Filing a Complaint: A complaint can be lodged with the Philippine National Police (PNP), National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), or directly with the Office of the Prosecutor.
    • Preliminary Investigation: The Prosecutor’s Office will determine if probable cause exists to file charges in court.
    • Trial Process: Once a case is filed in court, the trial proceeds to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused.
    • Victims may also file a civil suit to recover damages. Civil cases can be pursued independently or alongside criminal cases. Remedies include:
    • Mo*ral Damages: Compensation for emotional and psychological distress
    • Actual Damages: Recovery of the actual monetary loss incurred
    • Exemplary Damages: Imposed to set an example and deter similar conduct
    • Successful legal action requires strong evidence. Key documents and records include:
    • Contracts or Agreements: Proof of the terms of the transaction.
    • Receipts and Payment Records: Evidence of monetary exchanges.
    • Communication Records: Emails, text messages, or social media chats showing fraudulent representations.
    • Witness Testimonies: Statements from third parties who can corroborate the victim’s account.
    • Preservation of evidence is critical. Victims should avoid altering or discarding any relevant documents or digital records.
  • Victims must draft a formal complaint detailing the facts, supporting evidence, and legal grounds. Complaints must be filed with the appropriate authority based on the nature of the scam:
    • For online scams: The Cybercrime Division of the NBI or PNP.
    • For investment fraud: The SEC or the Department of Justice (DOJ)
    • Statutory period:
    • The prescriptive period for estafa is generally 10 years, while cyber fraud may have shorter timelines.
  • Challenges and Considerations
    • 1. Identifying the Perpetrator
    • Scammers often use fake identities, making it challenging to locate them. Cooperation with law enforcement agencies is vital.

Note: These decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery were laughing and mocking me “da (suits you)” when I underlined “cooperation with law enforcement agencies is vital” since they were confident to be from, or affiliated with, the “law enforcement agency”. Indeed, these decayed criminal stalkers-police intel were rather “reviewing” me as they were disgustingly very “participative” in mocking me all the time, like all those decayed stalkers who were putting me in domestic and se*xual abuse 24/7! In their utter harassment, they even came to my door and banged things there, asking for my name (and look at them being shamelessly and brainlessly here in Bogo now), harassing and thr*eatening me when they’re already loudly mocking and coming together against me while I was still typing and reporting every instance of their harassments and abuses on my personal twitter! In their extremely low IQ, they’re even here, renting that Mindanao decayed stepfather Algie’s piggery, to get a closer, more harassing position in criminally stalking me!

  • 2. Cross-Border Scams
  • For scams involving foreign elements, international cooperation and extradition treaties may be invoked.
  • 3. Enforcement of Judgments
  • Even if a favorable judgment is obtained, enforcing it may be difficult if the scammer has no assets or has fled the jurisdiction.


  • Syndicate estafa:
  • WHEREAS, there is an upsurge in the commission of swindling and other forms of frauds in rural banks, cooperatives, "samahang nayon (s)", and farmers' associations or corporations/associations operating on funds solicited from the general public;
  • WHEREAS, such defraudation or misappropriation of funds contributed by stockholders or members of such rural banks, cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s)", or farmers' associations, or of funds solicited by corporations/associations from the general public, erodes the confidence of the public in the banking and cooperative system, contravenes the public interest, and constitutes economic sabotage that thr*eatens the stability of the nation;
  • WHEREAS, it is imperative that the resurgence of said crimes be checked, or at least minimized, by imposing capital punishment on certain forms of swindling and other frauds involving rural banks, cooperatives, "samahang nayon(s)", farmers' associations or corporations/associations operating on funds solicited from the general public;
  • Section 1. Any person or persons who shall commit estafa or other forms of swindling as defined in Article 315 and 316 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, shall be punished by life imprisonment to death if the swindling (estafa) is committed by a syndicate consisting of five or more persons formed with the intention of carrying out the unlawful or illegal act, transaction, enterprise or scheme, and the defraudation results in the misappropriation of money contributed by stockholders, or members of rural banks, cooperative, "samahang nayon(s)", or farmers association, or of funds solicited by corporations/associations from the general public.
  • When not committed by a syndicate as above defined, the penalty imposable shall be reclusion tempo*ral to reclusion perpetua if the amount of the fraud exceeds 100,000 pesos.
  • Section 2. This decree shall take effect immediately.
  • Atty (Nicolas and De Vega Law Office’s blog) note: The penalty for syndicated estafa under PD No. 1689 is significantly heavier than that of simple estafa under Article 315 of the RPC. The penalty imposable for simple estafa follows the schedule under Article 315, as amended by Republic Act No. 10951, and is basically dependent on the value of the damage or prejudice caused by the perpetrator. Syndicated estafa, however, is punishable by life imprisonment to death regardless of the value of the damage or prejudiced caused.

Estafa in the Philippines

  • Estafa, derived from the Spanish word “estafar” which means to swindle or defraud, is a criminal offense under Philippine law
    • It refers to any act of deceit or fraudulent conduct that leads to the deprivation of someone’s property or the use of falsified documents with the intent to defraud. Estafa can be committed through various means, such as false pretenses, fraudulent misrepresentation, or abuse of confidence.
  • “Criminal fraud resulting to damage capable of pecuniary estimation is punished under Article 315 of the RPC. In general, the elements of estafa are: (1) that the accused defrauded another (a) by abuse of confidence, or (b) by means of deceit; and (2) that damage or prejudice capable of pecuniary estimation is caused to the offended party or third person. Invariably, unlawful abuse of confidence or deceit is the essence of estafa.”
  • The legal implications of estafa are severe. According to the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, individuals found guilty of estafa can face imprisonment ranging from six months to twenty years
    • Most common types of estafa in the Philippines: investment schemes, online scams, romance scams, job scams (criminal stalking, fraudulent BPO jobs), lottery or prize scams

Cyber Estafa

  • Done through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) – social media, untrusted but unsuspecting websites, phishing, hacking, or other similar tactics
  • Prosecuted under RA 10175, in addition to being prosecuted under RPC
    • This time, the penalty to be imposed is one degree higher than what is provided under the RPC
      • Section 6: All crimes defined and penalized by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, if committed by, through and with the use of information and communications technologies shall be covered by the relevant provisions of this Act: Provided, That the penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than that provided for by the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and special laws, as the case may be.
  • Article 184. Offering false testimony in evidence. - Any person who shall knowingly offer in evidence a false witness or testimony in any judicial or official proceeding, shall be punished as guilty of false testimony and shall suffer the respective penalties provided in this section.

Note: Here’s a related note/anchor when the landlady, manager, and criminal stalkers twisted the truth, turned the table on me, and made me out as crazy in those previous rented places before: Recruiting Minors For Criminal Stalking which includes that lesbian calling the manager on me when I complained of those criminal stalkers in her room mocking me ever since, who turned out to be the criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – and other BPO criminal stalkers who were on a shifting schedule, putting me on domestic and se*xual abuse 24/7, mocking and laughing at my every move just like what these criminal stalkers who are renting in Mary Jane, Janice’ and Luz’ households here in Bogo who repeatedly called me “boang (crazy)”, da (suits you)”, “luoy pud (poor and pitiful)”, and “uwaw (shameful)” among many others, mocking repeating the very expressions which I complained about them. To cover their decayed criminal stalking activities, they have lied to me in many occasions when I complained about them and they even made me out as crazy, such as those landladies and manager.


Recruiting Minors for Criminal Stalking

Note: I don’t have proof on whoever hired these criminal stalkers and whatever job description they were given, but I do know (and I have recordings of their domestic and se*xual abuses against me!) they were criminal stalkers and that many of them are police intel and hired by those police intel, such as those “minors” whom they used to cover their criminal stalking activity in TreeWoods Residences, who, like so many other criminal stalkers whom I later suspected to be those decayed cult fraud Living Way Ministries Mandaue from the rooms on my left (1206) and Living Way Ministries Bogo on my right (1202), the male cult fraud members on the rooms above or below me in 14th floor were loudly mocking, laughing, and harassing my every move, putting me in domestic and se*xual abuse 24/7, with such decayed mockery and harassment as “boang (crazy)”, “uwaw (shameful)”, “grabi (fierce)”, “kapoy (tiring)”, “kaluoy (poor and pitiful)”, “eww”, “da (suits you)”, “duh” and so many others, and that “minor” said she was listening to a headset, obviously listening to me as she and the other criminal stalkers had access to the camera and mic they illegally installed inside the room and the spyware they illegally installed in my devices!  They’ve also been recruiting “minors” to harass me in that Sunday Catholic mass in Bogo, in Dunkin’ Donuts coffee shop, and those who were firing firecrackers in Jose’s residence and the residences of other exploitative relatives and Yolanda. These criminal stalkers are the ones directly harassing me and when they are probed, they’ll show evidence of their stalker devices (access to camera and mic) and payroll!

§  These criminal stalkers-police intel have already twisted the truth in TreeWoods Residences with those minor (as well as that lesbian) complaints when they wanted to call the police on me for harassment – as that manager revealed to me during my complaint against the lesbian (who turned out to be those cult fraud BPO agent criminal stalkers) who also criminally stalked and harassed me in the next room – when they knew they’re the ones harassing me thoroughly as criminal stalkers. When other male BPO criminal stalkers followed me and rode in the same Cebu City public bus as me and they’re mocking me, I saw them having uniform headsets, their disgusting stalker tool that they used to abuse me wherever whenever whatever way possible!

Police Corruption in Mabolo-Nazareno Residence, Hippodromo, Visayas Army Training Philippine Army-TreeWoods Residences, and in Marangog Police/NBI

Notes: Here’s a related note/anchor about authorities involved, particularly those decayed lustful police in Hippodromo who moved to the Visayas Army Training Philippine Army next to TreeWoods Residences, armed criminal stalkers and their lackeys in Hippodromo and here in Bogo. Here’s a related note/anchor on the stalking case I complained to Mabolo Police that they did not log back in January 2024 from that Nazareno residence in Edison St., but look at those disgusting criminal stalkers there turning the table on me and called the police on me instead! Here’s another note/anchor on those police-in-training’s organized travel or transport for criminal stalkers in the same event as that drug addict Ceres driver even nearly crashed the bus to violently harass and thr*eaten me as part of that decayed lackey’s script (which I suspected to be connected with Duterte, as what that criminal stalker taxi driver did) that “way makanaug sa bus (no one can get out of the bus)” call! That decayed police from Hippodromo who also resided, transferred, or had office in Visayas Army Training Philippine Army also disgustingly brought his police-in-training there in a Ceres bus, filling that entire bus as if they’re on a training transfer (I have a video of it), and they were loudly mocking me showing fully well they knew me, so I took photos and videos of them, and they’re just beside the Ceres bus I rode on my way back to Cebu. Here’s a related note/anchor on that criminal stalker minor’s parents wanting to call the police on me in TreeWoods Residences according to the manager during that conference with those lesbian criminal stalkers as well.

Note about another case (which may or may not be related): In a recent kidnapping and mu*rder of a foreigner husband in Mindanao, the criminals posed as police officers.


Domestic & Se*xual Abuses From These Fake-Security-Police-BPO-Criminal-Stalkers

Note: These criminal stalkers here in Bogo whom I recently found out as police intel or NBI may also be the same criminal stalkers in TreeWoods Residences who were harassing, mocking, and laughing at my every move, putting me in domestic and se*xual abuse 24/7, even now in Bogo, as I’m typing this post and all the previous posts here, they’ve been mocking me, and they’re doing it even when I was taking a bath, reading the Bible and worshipping, while those criminal stalkers in Jose and other households were firing guns, masking as firecrackers, and those decayed lustful police criminal stalkers in Visayas Army Training Philippine Army and Camp Lapu-Lapu were mocking me, proving they got access to the camera and mic in the rooms (as well as the bathroom and toilet) I stayed in.


Prohibited Drugs

Note: Those criminal stalkers from La Guardia Flats (according to that criminal stalker roommate, Jazzy) and Hippodromo (I assumed, since those decayed police and the drug addict criminal stalkers from the next building were harassing me very violently and singing sex tunes, karaoke, and disco – Banyo Queen, etc., and these decayed police or NBI criminal stalkers here were mocking me “grabi uy (intense)” while those decayed criminal stalkers in the hill across this house, or somewhere near this house, were firing guns and firecrackers, just as I am typing this, violently harassing me again through their access to the camera and mic in my room in those rented places as well as this house and access to my devices. I also heard rumors that Dodo – whom I have found out to be a criminal stalker as well who might be doing this criminal stalking since 3 years ago and who was firing guns and firecrackers as well as Jose – and that those tambays (loafers) here in Marangog were drug addicts.) In La Guardia Flats, that roommate stalker, Jazz, herself made allusions to me about rape drugs and that she had drug addict "friends" in the flat, who entered the girls' rooms to have both paid and unpaid se*xual "encounters". When I was having my online Japanese tutoring late into the night, I also had seen those group of men coming together in that side of the elevator and hanging out in there when there was only a stair while the common room or lounge was empty. I immediately thought they’re avoiding the CCTV and that they're doing drugs. One of them even made passing comments on me.


Illegal Installation of Camera & Mic In Previous Rented Places

Note: I don’t know who these criminal stalkers are but they have clearly been using public transportation such as Cebu City public buses (white) and even Ceres public bus (to and fro Bogo City) in not just following me but mocking me, harassing and making loud allusions that they couldn’t have known if they weren’t watching me inside my room or have access to my devices as well as making very familiar expressions. The recent instances were when they were riding the public bus with me when I was going to and fro SM-Jmall and it’s full of those decayed criminal stalkers who were mocking me so I ended up taking a video of them as well as those decayed smokers lining up, and many of them were criminal stalkers, too, with that decayed smoker spitting on me as I passed by. Another instance was that Ceres and Autobus driver, conductor and other criminal stalkers who were mocking me to and fro Bogo, and just like what’s expected of a drug addict Ceres driver, he was overtaking the cars and nearly crashed the car driving before us, and those decayed criminal stalkers were shouting “kinsay daug? (who’s victorious?)”, a very familiar expression that they couldn’t have known if they weren’t criminal stalkers! On the same night, those decayed police-in-training were filling the Ceres bus next to us and because they were mocking me “boang (crazy)”, “boang man na (that one is crazy)”, and many other very familiar expressions of criminal stalkers, showing how they’re the same decayed criminal stalkers police-in-training in Visayas Army Training Philippine Army beside TreeWoods Residences together with those decayed lustful police and prostitute policewoman who were mocking me and followed me from Hippodromo, as they resided in the building next to where I rented.


Crimes Against Persons

  • Article 254. Discharge of firearms - Any person who shall shoot at another with any firearm shall suffer the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum and medium periods, unless the facts of the case are such that the act can be held to constitute frustrated or attempted parricide, mu*rder, homicide or any other crime for which a higher penalty is prescribed by any of the articles of this Code.

Police Shooting Me in Hippodromo & TreeWoods

Note: Those decayed police in Hippodromo shoot me with what I now understood was an unloaded gun when I was opening my window in Hippodromo and his son shouted “ayaw pa!” He shot another time and a dog cried out and I haven’t heard that dog again, whether that died or was transferred to another corner, he still violently harassed me! They were firing guns, which I initially thought was them shooting birds since there were many birds in Ayala Hippodromo, when they were doing the same gun firing in that police or military training – Visayas Army Training Philippine Army and Camp Lapu-Lapu beside TreeWoods Residences, I figured they could have a secret training area in that police apartment or residence, which could be illegal as it wasn’t labeled, named, or registered in Google Maps. On the day I finally figured out that they followed me in TreeWoods Residences, that decayed lustful police was singing sex tune on a megaphone (I have a recording of this) as he was training just to mock me as I was writing, proving how he was the same decayed lustful police in Hippodromo and that he still got access to my devices and even the illegal cameras and mic they installed in my room as well as in the bathroom and toilet in TreeWoods Residences, which they were also loudly mocking and laughing at me whether I took a bath or pee, with that very loud mocking laughter of that prostitute policewoman! Like always, they were mocking and violently harassing me and loudly mocking me “boang (crazy)” at 2 AM or at night, and compared to me just being inside my room, they’re the ones who were clearly boang, doing improper in an inappropriate time (2 AM and night) and inappropriate place (Visayas Army Training Philippine Army and Camp Lapu-Lapu)! After I came to SM-Jmall and wrote a post about those criminal stalkers who were harassing me, that decayed lustful police fired a gun – loaded or unloaded – violently thr*eatening me and they were then having a shooting drill, another violent thr*eat and harassment towards me! Those decayed criminal stalkers in Hippodromo thr*eatened to threw my body into the sewer and that prostitute policewoman – who moved to Visayas Army Training Philippine Army and laughed in her usual loud prostitute mocking laughter, which she’s also been doing here in Bogo, proving that all these decayed criminal stalkers police intel NBI are her corrupt comrades – even sang “Breathless” in karaoke in utter mockery!

Crimes Against Security - Trespass To Dwelling

  • Article 280. Qualified trespass to dwelling - Any private person who shall enter the dwelling of another against the latter's will shall be punished by arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
  • If the offense be committed by means of violence or intimidation, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos.
  • The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to any person who shall enter another's dwelling for the purpose of preventing some serious harm to himself, the occupants of the dwelling or a third person, nor shall it be applicable to any person who shall enter a dwelling for the purpose of rendering some service to humanity or justice, nor to anyone who shall enter cafes, taverns, inn and other public houses, while the same are open.
  • Article 281. Other forms of trespass. - The penalty of arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos, or both, shall be imposed upon any person who shall enter the closed premises or the fenced estate of another, while either or them are uninhabited, if the prohibition to enter be manifest and the trespasser has not secured the permission of the owner or the caretaker thereof.

Illegal Installation of Cameras & Mic - Rented Places - Landlady/Manager Authorization

Note: These decayed criminal stalkers illegally installed cameras and mic in all the rooms I stayed in those rented places, be it under the assistance of the landladies/manager – La Guardia Flats in June-July 2023, Zimmerholding in Mandaue in August-October 2023, Sybu Dormitory in Novemeber 2023, Nazareno Residence in Edison St. in December 2023-February 2024, Sybu Dormitory in February-May 2024, Luis Amigo Dormitory in May-June 2024, 1084/1086 Gil Tudtud St. in July 2024, New Building near Bric’s Bakeshop beside those decayed police’ residence in Hippodromo in August 2024, an apartment compound at the end of St. Lawrence St. in September 2024, and TreeWoods Residences in October-November 2024. Through such access, they were mocking and harassing me, domestically and se*xually abusing me 24/7, mocking my every move, controlling my behavior. Here’s a related note/anchor.

 Thr*eats and Coercion

  • Article 282. Grave thr*eats - Any person who shall thr*eaten another with the infliction upon the person, honor or property of the latter or of his family of any wrong amounting to a crime, shall suffer:
    • The penalty next lower in degree than that prescribed by law for the crime be thr*eatened to commit, if the offender shall have made the thr*eat demanding money or imposing any other condition, even though not unlawful, and said offender shall have attained his purpose. If the offender shall not have attained his purpose, the penalty lower by two degrees shall be imposed.
    • If the thr*eat be made in writing or through a middleman, the penalty shall be imposed in its maximum period.
    • The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos, if the thr*eat shall not have been made subject to a condition.

Violent Thr*eats with firing Guns

Note: Those decayed criminal stalkers have been violently harassing me through firing guns in Hippodromo with those decayed and lustful police who lived next to the building I rented in as well as those drug addicts who were staying in the next building as well as those decayed police in Visayas Army Training Philippine Army and Camp Lapu-Lapu and these decayed criminal stalkers who were firing guns and firecrackers here in Bogo. Here's a related note/anchor on that decayed lustful Hippodromo-residing police shooting me with unloaded gun and his son shouting "Ayaw Pa!"

 Article 283. Light thr*eats - Any thr*eat to commit a wrong not constituting a crime, made in the manner expressed in subdivision 1 of the next preceding article, shall be punished by arresto mayor.

  • Article 284. Bond for good behavior - In all cases falling within the two next preceding articles, the person making the thr*eats may also be required to give bail not to molest the person thr*eatened, or if he shall fail to give such bail, he shall be sentenced to destierro.
  • Article 285. Other light thr*eats. - The penalty of arresto menor in its minimum period or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos shall be imposed upon:
  • Any person who, without being included in the provisions of the next preceding article, shall thr*eaten another with a weapon or draw such weapon in a quarrel, unless it be in lawful self-defense.
  • Any person who, in the heat of anger, shall o*rally thr*eaten another with some harm not constituting a crime, and who by subsequent acts show that he did not persist in the idea involved in his thr*eat, provided that the circumstances of the offense shall not bring it within the provisions of Article 282 of this Code.
  • Any person who shall o*rally thr*eaten to do another any harm not constituting a felony.

Verbal Thr*eats - Throw Me Into A Sewer, "Breathless" on Karaoke

Note: Here’s a related note/anchor about those decayed criminal stalkers in Hippodromo thr*eatening me that they’ll throw my body into the sewer and poisoned me through the dinuldog (squash soup) I always buy from them. That decayed old retard who thr*eatened me also slammed the door of the sari-sari store when I came to buy ice from them, and even in that simple act, they’re harassing me whenever wherever whatever way possible! That criminal stalker in Sybu Dormitory also thr*eatened me “mahinaykan ha/gani (a local thr*eat to harm to the point of mu*rdering someone) when I went to get drinking water and they were drinking and loitering outside and disgusting catcalling me and when one of them went to the emission center and made allusions of hiring a lawyer, and that happened after I posted greetings and letters reporting those decayed criminal stalkers calling the police on me in Nazareno and those roommate criminal stalker, particularly Gil, who banged the door loudly and demanded to get my double lock removed, which was also the same month my grandmother died by the end of February, and since I now suspected these exploitative opportunistic relatives to be criminal stalkers or police intel underlings, I now think they also knew about the utter harassment I got from those criminal stalkers in Nazareno’s residence in Edison St. and that my grandmother could have died from the shock and worry. Whereas I can only hear those criminal stalkers on certain times of the day, these criminal stalkers since Hippodromo, TreeWoods, and here in Bogo were harassing, mocking, domestically and se*xually abusing me 24/7, mocking my every move!

  • Article 286. Grave coercions - The penalty of arresto mayor and a fine not exceeding 500 pesos shall be imposed upon any person who, without authority of law, shall, by means of violence, prevent another from doing something not prohibited by law, or compel him to do something against his will, whether it be right or wrong.
    • If the coercion be committed for the purpose of compelling another to perform any religious act or to prevent him from so doing, the penalty next higher in degree shall be imposed.

Prevent From Doing A Religious Act - Bible Reading & Worship

Note: These decayed criminal stalkers since TreeWoods Residences and here in Bogo have been mocking me “boang (crazy)” and so many other decayed mockery as well as firing guns, masking as firecrackers, and disco while I was reading the Bible, praying, and singing songs of praise and worship. As these criminal stalkers have been mocking me during my prayer and worship and as I light up the candle, I remember about those criminal stalkers in Sybu Dormitory making fun of me and making passes that I might become crazy and that they’re referring to my Bible Diary as “OC (obsessive-compulsive)” – Jazzy and Clarice (and others such as Gil, Ate Emily, Eve, Leigh-Anne, another Clarice, and whoever were part of their criminal stalking group/batch) and that May from La Guardia Flats who was from Mindanao who thr*eatened to kill me! – and that I even light up a candle! Such traitorous mocking criminal stalkers! They’ve also been mocking me whenever I write and in every single move I do, they’re mocking me, domestically and se*xually abusing me 24/7. Here are some related notes/anchors: Pattern of Behavior, Obsessive surveillance, lying in wait, or [thr*eats of] physical harassment (active harassment since June 2023, for over a year and a half), unwanted stalkers who were following and mocking me whenever I go outside, work, master’s religion, etc.


Anti-Human Trafficking Law

Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2012

Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared that the State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees the respect of individual rights. In pursuit of this policy, the State shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures and development of programs that will promote human dignity, protect the people from any thr*eat of violence and exploitation, eliminate trafficking in persons, and mitigate pressures for involuntary migration and servitude of persons, not only to support trafficked persons but more importantly, to ensure their recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration into the mainstream of society.

Trafficking in Persons – refers to the recruitment, obtaining, hiring, providing, offering, transportation, transfer, maintaining, harboring, or receipt of persons with or without the victim’s consent or knowledge, within or across national borders by means of thr*eat, or use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or, the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation which includes at a minimum, the exploitation or the prostitution of others or other forms of se*xual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, servitude or the removal or sale of organs.

Note: These criminal stalkers were more than willing to do their stalking of me because many of them personally knew me, either they were those exploitative decayed relatives, those decayed cult fraud whom I now suspect to be police intel or briefed by police intel, or some UP professors and classmates (whom I also suspect to be part of this criminal stalker network, though I don’t have proof), former colleagues from teaching, and other friends and acquaintances from elementary to college – and I’ve got an idea of some of them so far (and since I was reading about laws these days, I got to remember the former-teachers-now-“lawyers” and noticed these decayed people near this house whom I initially thought were the criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – in addition to those decayed Muslim fake bar reviewees who were staying in the rooms next to me in Hippodromo and were also likely to be following me here as criminal stalkers. I have also identified many of my colleagues from ACT who were making very familiar allusions before, and more than any of my previous colleagues except CRMC, they’re the ones most likely to stalk me (though I don’t have proof – yet – of their involvement).


This criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – female mocked me “wow” as I was typing this, and I was underlining “the prostitution of others or other forms of se*xual exploitation”, where she and other decayed stupid incompetent lawyers were installed here to stalk me and watch my move, especially to counter me in legal ways. This decayed criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – or Ling mocked me “luooy (ah, poor and pitiful)” again, and let’s see if they won’t be imprisoned for every single harassment – domestic and se*xual abuses - they did against me in hiding, through their criminal stalking activities where they installed disgusting cameras and mic in this house and in all the rooms I stayed in before and even thoroughly harassed me every chance they get, whether I’m taking a bath, peeing, eating, writing, praying, sleeping like extremely stupid, illiterate drug addict out-of-their-mind ret*arded peeping-tom-se*xual-abuser-criminal prison-worthy people! When God’s judgement has been fulfilled, no one will pity them but rather rejoice that judgement has been served in this country that’s infamous for corruption.

Prostitution – refers to any act, transaction, scheme or design involving the use of a person by another, for se*xual intercourse or lascivious conduct in exchange for money, profit or any other consideration.

Pornography – refers to any representation, through publication, exhibition, cinematography, indecent shows, information technology, or by whatever means, of a person engaged in real or simulated explicit se*xual activities or any representation of the se*xual parts of a person for primarily se*xual purposes

Note: They have been se*xually abusing me actively for over a year and a half, and I have just found out recently how they’ve been doing that for over three years already!

        • Firstly, they put cameras and mic in the houses and rooms I stayed in as well as spyware in my devices;

        • secondly, from that disgusting access, they’ve been monitoring all of my personal activities and selling such details for whatever purposes;

        • thirdly, they’ve been loudly mocking and harassing my every move and making every effort to make that harassment known to me by renting the rooms next to me and having their criminal stalking on a shifting bases there, and even here in Marangog, they’re renting the houses of these decayed exploitative relatives and shouting and other ways of making their harassments towards me known, such as firing guns or firecrackers - be it getting dressed and naked, taking a bath and naked, sleeping, eating, praying, writing for my blog posts, master’s, or writing tests, and everything I do in all the rented places I went to, and now that I’m in my family’s house, they mocked even the interactions we have here;

        • and fourthly, they’ve been following me everywhere and purposefully sitting next to me or getting close to me to make me hear their mocking allusions from their criminal stalker harassment script which they couldn’t have known so consistently if they weren’t stalking me or being part of that disgusting criminal stalker network, be it in the coffee shops, public buses, McDo, Korean restaurant, grocery, pathways, and so many others!

        • For instance, just now, this cult or Muslim near the piggery and those decayed criminal stalkers staying in that rapist se*xual abuser locally-listed drug addict Rizal-Jomar – who got a boner on me and rubbed it on my butt when I and my siblings were watching TV when we were in elementary, when my mother was hospitalized – were loudly mocking, harassing, and calling me “boang (crazy)” the entire time while I was making the outline and typing my notes! Let’s see who’s boang when you’re already in prison and severely punished in the open for every harassment you’re doing now, in hiding!

Sex Tourism – refers to a program organized by travel and tourism-related establishments and individuals which consists of tourism packages or activities, utilizing and offering escort and se*xual services as enticement for tourists. This includes se*xual services and practices offered during rest and recreation periods for members of the military.

Se*xual Exploitation – refers to participation by a person in prostitution, pornography or the production of pornography, in exchange for money, profit or any other consideration or where the participation is caused or facilitated by any means of intimidation or thr*eat, use of force, or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, debt bondage, abuse of power or of position or of legal process, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person, or giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person; or in se*xual intercourse or lascivious conduct caused or facilitated by any means as provided in this Act.

Acts of Trafficking in Persons. – It shall be unlawful for any person, natural or juridical, to commit any of the following acts:

"(a) To recruit, obtain, hire, provide, offer, transport, transfer, maintain, harbor, or receive a person by any means, including those done under the pretext of domestic or overseas employment or training or apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, pornography, or se*xual exploitation;

Note: These criminal stalkers were obviously under fake jobs – and now, they’re likely hired or linked to police intel and other police handlers of these criminal stalkers in what I think to be a syndicated scam – be it audio transcription, virtual assistant (VA), outsourcing call center BPO, legal and security, and other fraudulent jobs as front but they’re actually here criminally stalking me and fully enjoying it as they put me in domestic and se*xual abuse all the time, using me as their free porn and reacting to me and harassing me whenever whatever way possible for them while they get monthly salary for doing such crimes! All the abuses they did in hiding will be severely punished in the open! Glory to God!

"(b) To introduce or match for money, profit, or material, economic or other consideration, any person or, as provided for under Republic Act No. 6955, any Filipino woman to a foreign national, for marriage for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling or trading him/her to engage in prostitution, pornography, se*xual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

"(c) To offer or contract marriage, real or simulated, for the purpose of acquiring, buying, offering, selling, or trading them to engage in prostitution, pornography, se*xual exploitation, forced labor or slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

"(d) To undertake or organize tours and travel plans consisting of tourism packages or activities for the purpose of utilizing and offering persons for prostitution, pornography or se*xual exploitation;

Note: The Cebu City public buses I rode, for instance those to and fro SM-Jmall, were full of those criminal stalkers fake BPO scam agents who were not even hiding their being criminal stalkers as they were purposefully making loud allusions to me and my personal activities inside my room which they wouldn’t have known if they weren’t watching me with their disgusting cameras and mic illegally installed in the rooms I stayed in or part of such huge criminal stalker network. When I went to SM while riding a jeep, another Cebu City bus full of decayed low-life BPO call center agents were mocking me “boang (crazy)”, “gahi (rock-solid)”, “grabi (fierce)”, and other very familiar mockery, showing they’re affiliated to those criminal stalkers in TreeWoods as they were next to the jeep I was riding in, and when I took a video of them, they backed off and let another car overtake them! They also did the same loud mocking allusions when I was traveling from Bogo to Cebu and back when my family pressured me to go home and I decided I’d go back to TreeWoods so they won’t be burdened by all these criminal stalkers who were following and harassing me everywhere I go. I posted their photos on twitter, and the drug addict Ceres driver even nearly crashed the bus to violently harass and thr*eaten me as part of that decayed Duterte lackey’s script that “way makanaug sa bus (no one can get out of the bus)” call! That decayed police from Hippodromo who also resided, transferred, or had office in Visayas Army Training Philippine Army also disgustingly brought his police-in-training there in a Ceres bus, filling that entire bus as if they’re on a training transfer, and they were loudly mocking me showing fully well they knew me, so I took photos and videos of them, and they’re just beside the Ceres bus I rode on my way back to Cebu. This prostitute criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – or Ling just mocked me “kaluuoy pud (ah, so poor and pitiful)”, and let’s see if anyone will show that cult se*xual abuser mercy when she’s already in prison serving a 10-year sentence!

"(e) To maintain or hire a person to engage in prostitution or pornography;

"(f) To adopt persons by any form of consideration for exploitative purposes or to facilitate the same for purposes of prostitution, pornography, se*xual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

"(g) To adopt or facilitate the adoption of persons for the purpose of prostitution, pornography, se*xual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude or debt bondage;

"(h) To recruit, hire, adopt, transport, transfer, obtain, harbor, maintain, provide, offer, receive or abduct a person, by means of thr*eat or use of force, fraud, deceit, violence, coercion, or intimidation for the purpose of removal or sale of organs of said person;

"(i) To recruit, transport, obtain, transfer, harbor, maintain, offer, hire, provide, receive or adopt a child to engage in armed activities in the Philippines or abroad;

Note: Those decayed police who resided in the building next to that rented place in Hippodromo, who were mocking, harassing, domestically and se*xually abusing me every day, and who were firing guns on me (loaded or unloaded), were already hugely part, or spearheading, this criminal stalker network, and they followed me in TreeWoods, residing or having office in that Visayas Army Training Philippine Army and Camp Lapu-lapu, did exactly the same pattern of harassment, and also came here in Bogo. It’s either that Hippodromo police or these decayed criminal stalker-police intel in piggery who were paying and hiring all those decayed exploitative drug addict abusive relatives and tambays (unemployed low-life useless people who might be drug addicts and alcoholics) here in Marangog to do exactly the same pattern of harassment of firing guns (now masking as firecrackers), playing disco and karaoke, and they were even transferring those police-in-training who were familiarly mocking me as if they’d follow me here in Bogo!

"(j) To recruit, transport, transfer, harbor, obtain, maintain, offer, hire, provide or receive a person by means defined in Section 3 of this Act for purposes of forced labor, slavery, debt bondage and involuntary servitude, including a scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the person either:

"(1) To believe that if the person did not perform such labor or services, he or she or another person would suffer serious harm or physical restraint; or

"(2) To abuse or thr*eaten the use of law or the legal processes; and

"(k) To recruit, transport, harbor, obtain, transfer, maintain, hire, offer, provide, adopt or receive a child for purposes of exploitation or trading them, including but not limited to, the act of baring and/or selling a child for any consideration or for barter for purposes of exploitation. Trafficking for purposes of exploitation of children shall include:

"(1) All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, involuntary servitude, debt bondage and forced labor, including recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;

"(2) The use, procuring or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography, or for pornographic performances;

"(3) The use, procuring or offering of a child for the production and trafficking of drugs; and

"(4) The use, procuring or offering of a child for illegal activities or work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm their health, safety or mo*rals; and

Note: They were also hiring a “minor” to cover their criminal stalking activity in TreeWoods Residences, who, like so many other criminal stalkers whom I later found out as those decayed criminal stalkers – also police intel or cult fraud in Mary Jane’s, Janice, or Luz’ house – from the rooms on my left (1206) and on my right (1202), the male criminal stalkers-police intel on the rooms above or below me in 14th floor (since Chinese buildings don’t have “13th floor”) were loudly mocking, laughing, and harassing my every move, putting me in domestic and se*xual abuse 24/7, with such decayed mockery and harassment as “boang (crazy)”, “uwaw (shameful)”, “grabi (fierce)”, “kapoy (tiring)”, “kaluoy (poor and pitiful)”, “eww”, “da (suits you)”, “duh” and so many others, and that “minor” said she was listening to a headset, obviously listening to me as she and the other criminal stalkers had access to the camera and mic they illegally installed inside the room and the spyware they illegally installed in my devices!

"(l) To organize or direct other persons to commit the offenses defined as acts of trafficking under this Act."

Accomplice Liability. – Whoever knowingly aids, abets, cooperates in the execution of the offense by previous or simultaneous acts defined in this Act shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Section 10(c) of this Act."

Accessories. – Whoever has the knowledge of the commission of the crime, and without having participated therein, either as principal or as accomplices, take part in its commission in any of the following manners:

"(a) By profiting themselves or assisting the offender to profit by the effects of the crime;

"(b) By concealing or destroying the body of the crime or effects or instruments thereof, in order to prevent its discovery;

"(c) By harboring, concealing or assisting in the escape of the principal of the crime, provided the accessory acts with abuse of his or her public functions or is known to be habitually guilty of some other crime.

"Acts defined in this provision shall be punished in accordance with the provision of Section 10(d) as stated thereto."

Note: All these criminal stalkers here are the perpetrators of the crime, and are actually the ones doing the very domestic and se*xual abuses 24/7 against me and all the violent harassments they were told through their criminal stalker script! They can’t even deny they’re here, hiding, and not once did they come out to face me even though I have already found out they are the criminal stalkers-police intel. That decayed female criminal stalker-police intel mocked me “luoy (poor and pitiful) – they are the decayed exploitative brainless useless unemployed relatives – one of them just fired a gun or a very loud bang just now! - and that I knew many of them to be previous acquaintances be it from previous work, dorms, school, etc. They’re the main perpetrators – and they’re on a monthly payroll – and it’s certainly abhorrent if they simply present themselves as accomplices and accessories to the crime! These criminal stalkers-police intel here have been domestically and se*xually abusing me 24/7 for over 3 months already since October in TreeWoods Residences (and it’s December now), and it’s because of the grave harassment I got from them and that decayed TreeWoods manager – because he was already trying to find loopholes to protect that newly opened TreeWoods dormitory and called the police intel on me – asking for proof that I started recording their criminal stalking and domestic and se*xual abuse, so I have proof of their decayed abuses. I wish for all those criminal stalkers from before to be punished, too, but I didn’t have proof of them yet, but I now these decayed criminal stalkers-police intel, in the verge of their prison sentence, will also reveal who their past accomplices are! All the abuses and crimes they did in hiding will be severely punished in the open! Glory to God!

Acts that Promote Trafficking in Persons. – The following acts which promote or facilitate trafficking in persons, shall be unlawful:

  • "(b) To produce, print and issue or distribute unissued, tampered or fake counseling certificates, registration stickers, overseas employment certificates or other certificates of any government agency which issues these certificates, decals and such other markers as proof of compliance with government regulatory and pre-departure requirements for the purpose of promoting trafficking in persons
  • Qualified Trafficking in Persons. – Violations of Section 4 of this Act shall be considered as qualified trafficking:
    • When the offender is a spouse, an ascendant, parent, sibling, guardian or a person who exercises authority over the trafficked person or when the offense is committed by a public officer or employee;
    • "(f) When the offender is a member of the military or law enforcement agencies;
    • "(g) When by reason or on occasion of the act of trafficking in persons, the offended party dies, becomes insane, suffers mutilation or is afflicted with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS);
    • "(h) When the offender commits one or more violations of Section 4 over a period of sixty (60) or more days, whether those days are continuous or not; and
    • "(i) When the offender directs or through another manages the trafficking victim in carrying out the exploitative purpose of trafficking."

Note: They’re all under fraudulent businesses and fraudulent outsourcing scam jobs that only do malicious services, like criminal stalking, harassment, domestic and se*xual abuse, violent harassment, romance scam, online trolling, and so many other fraudulent activities! This decayed criminal stalker-police intel in that decayed rapist Rizal’s house loudly mocked me “layoa ra (so far)” and that decayed criminal stalker-police intel in piggery mocked me “da (suits you)” when I was typing this, and in his decayed brain he couldn’t even present himself because he’s hiding as a criminal stalker se*xual abuser who’s only here for decayed money and lust and serving no other legitimate nor professional purpose! Who won’t be dismissed? Who won’t be imprisoned? All these decayed criminal stalkers-police intel here will be severely punished in the open, and none of them can escape, none of them is exempted!

"SEC. 10. Penalties and Sanctions. – The following penalties and sanctions are hereby established for the offenses enumerated in this Act:

Review the sections here: Anti-Human Trafficking Law

"(a) Any person found guilty of committing any of the acts enumerated in Section 4 shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of twenty (20) years and a fine of not less than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) but not more than Two million pesos (P2,000,000.00);

"(b) Any person found guilty of committing any of the acts enumerated in Section 4-A of this Act shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);

"(c) Any person found guilty of Section 4-B of this Act shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);

"In every case, conviction shall cause and carry the automatic revocation of the license or registration of the recruitment agency involved in trafficking. The license of a recruitment agency which trafficked a child shall be automatically revoked.

"(d) Any person found, guilty of committing any of the acts enumerated in Section 5 shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of fifteen (15) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);

"(e) Any person found guilty of qualified trafficking under Section 6 shall suffer the penalty of life imprisonment and a fine of not less than Two million pesos (P2,000,000.00) but not more than Five million pesos (P5,000,000.00);

"(f) Any person who violates Section 7 hereof shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment of six (6) years and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);

"(g) If the offender is a corporation, partnership, association, club, establishment or any juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed upon the owner, president, partner, manager, and/or any responsible officer who participated in the commission of the crime or who shall have knowingly permitted or failed to prevent its commission;

"(h) The registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and license to operate of the erring agency, corporation, association, religious group, tour or travel agent, club or establishment, or any place of entertainment shall be cancelled and revoked permanently. The owner, president, partner or manager thereof shall not be allowed to operate similar establishments in a different name;

"(i) If the offender is a foreigner, he or she shall be immediately deported after serving his or her sentence and be barred permanently from entering the country;

"(j) Any employee or official of government agencies who shall issue or approve the issuance of travel exit clearances, passports, registration certificates, counseling certificates, marriage license, and other similar documents to persons, whether juridical or natural, recruitment agencies, establishments or other individuals or groups, who fail to observe the prescribed procedures and the requirement as provided for by laws, rules and regulations, shall be held administratively liable, without prejudice to criminal liability under this Act. The concerned government official or employee shall, upon conviction, be dismissed from the service and be barred permanently to hold public office. His or her retirement and other benefits shall likewise be forfeited; and

"(k) Conviction, by final judgment of the adopter for any offense under this Act shall result in the immediate rescission of the decree of adoption."

"SEC. 11. Use of Trafficked Persons. – Any person who buys or engages the services of a trafficked person for prostitution shall be penalized with the following: Provided, That the Probation Law (Presidential Decree No. 968) shall not apply:

"(a) Prision Correccional in its maximum period to prision mayor or six (6) years to twelve (12) years imprisonment and a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) but not more than One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00): Provided, however, That the following acts shall be exempted thereto:

"(1) If an offense under paragraph (a) involves se*xual intercourse or lascivious conduct with a child, the penalty shall be reclusion tempo*ral in its medium period to reclusion perpetua or seventeen (17) years to forty (40) years imprisonment and a fine of not less than Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00);

"(2) If an offense under paragraph (a) involves carnal knowledge of, or se*xual intercourse with, a male or female trafficking victim and also involves the use of force or intimidation, to a victim deprived of reason or to an unconscious victim, or a victim under twelve (12) years of age, instead of the penalty prescribed in the subparagraph above the penalty shall be a fine of not less than One million pesos (P1,000,000.00) but not more than Five million pesos (P5,000,000.00) and imprisonment of reclusion perpetua or forty (40) years imprisonment with no possibility of parole; except that if a person violating paragraph (a) of this section knows the person that provided prostitution services is in fact a victim of trafficking, the offender shall not be likewise penalized under this section but under Section 10 as a person violating Section 4; and if in committing such an offense, the offender also knows a qualifying circumstance for trafficking, the offender shall be penalized under Section 10 for qualified trafficking. If in violating this section the offender also violates Section 4, the offender shall be penalized under Section 10 and, if applicable, for qualified trafficking instead of under this section;

"(b) Deportation. – If a foreigner commits any offense described by paragraph (1) or (2) of this section or violates any pertinent provision of this Act as an accomplice or accessory to, or by attempting any such offense, he or she shall be immediately deported after serving his or her sentence and be barred permanently from entering the country; and

"(c) Public Official. – If the offender is a public official, he or she shall be dismissed from service and shall suffer perpetual absolute disqualification to hold public, office, in addition to any imprisonment or fine received pursuant to any other provision of this Act."

Whenever there’s a garbage track, someone who seemed to be their handler also made loud allusions saying “ambot lang unsay dangatan aning ilang relasyon (I don’t know where their relationship is heading.) and that’s when my complaints against the harassments, gossip, and loud coughs of those criminal stalkers get more frequent, reporting and posting every instance of their harassments as they happened. They knew their criminal stalkers funds were ending and they were harassing me thoroughly while it was still possible for them! They were so decayed, so uneducated, so unprofessional, and so exploitative that when I moved away, they still kept following me, with the same criminal stalker voice who made loud allusions to me that they’re looking for a lawyer, and that’s when audits against Min Hee-jin happened. Fast forward 6 months in August and those decayed opportunistic criminal stalker-police intel woman in the piggery fake law reviewees stayed next to my room in Hippodromo.

Note: I long have suspicion of those criminal stalkers in La Guardia Flats, Sybu Dorm, and Hippodromo rented place beside those police drugging me and offering me for sex for their clients, be it businessmen, politicians, police or military who were very interested on getting a taste of a virgin (this decayed-brain-decayed-mo*rals-decayed-genitals cult or Muslim or Algie’s sister inside his piggery mocked me “duh”) and who supposedly got a high profile boyfriend that obviously gets many decayed clients interested, which expanded their criminal stalking network and added more criminal stalkers!
